DRC’s international activities are aimed at protecting refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as promoting long-term support and assistance programs for conflict-affected communities
Official name:
Danish Refugee Council in Ukraine
Areas of activity:
DRC operates in five areas, namely social and legal protection, economic development, humanitarian disarmament and peacebuilding, shelter reconstruction, and camp coordination and management.
Secretary General: Charlotte Slente
History of the organization:
DRC has been operating in Ukraine since 2014 and has significantly expanded its activities since February 24, 2022 to provide life-saving assistance and emergency response to people affected by the war. In addition, DRC is one of the key partners of the national authorities in addressing the needs for risk education, demining and removal of explosive remnants of war.
Website: Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
Facebook page: Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
Danish Refugee Council (DRC)