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The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine updated the status of critically important enterprises: the first seven companies received new employee bookings

On November 29, 2024, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine made a decision regarding the update of the status of critically important enterprises. This decision was made during the work of the commission responsible for determining the criticality of enterprises according to Resolution No. 76. The changes in the criteria for updating the status were approved by Resolution No. 1332, dated November 22, 2024.

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The first enterprises to undergo the update

Under the new criteria, the first seven enterprises successfully underwent the criticality update procedure. These include companies operating in various sectors of the economy, such as glass products manufacturing, furniture, textiles, ceramic tiles, and others. These enterprises have been granted the opportunity to reserve their employees for up to 12 months.

Employee reservation procedure

As stated by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine — Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Yulia Svyrydenko, enterprises that have not yet updated their status can still reserve employees, but this reservation will be valid until February 28, 2025. This is the final deadline for updating the criticality status according to the new requirements. In the first two days after the employee reservation was reopened through the “Diya” application, companies submitted 3,500 applications to reserve 26,700 employees.

Key criteria for obtaining the status of a critically important enterprise

To obtain the status of a critically important enterprise, companies must meet several requirements. The main ones are:

  1. Salary level: The average salary at the enterprise must be at least 20,000 UAH for the reporting period.
  2. No outstanding debts: The enterprise must have no debts to the state or local budgets for any taxes or fees.

Additionally, one of the following criteria must be met:

  • The total amount of paid taxes and contributions exceeds 1.5 million euros;
  • Foreign currency receipts exceed 32 million euros;
  • The enterprise has strategic importance for the state (as defined in the list of strategic facilities);
  • The enterprise is a resident of “Diya City”;
  • The enterprise provides telecommunications services with significant income;
  • The enterprise is of significant importance for the economy or the needs of the community.

Approval by state authorities

According to officials, sectoral and regional criteria must be approved by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. This will ensure a clear determination of critically important enterprises, taking into account the needs of defense and the economic situation.

Thus, enterprises that have received the status of critically important can ensure the reservation of employees, giving them greater stability in the face of unpredictable changes in the labor market and the country’s economy. At the same time, those who have not updated their status still have time until February 28, 2025, to complete all necessary procedures.

Юлія Ревака
Юлія Ревака
Editor | Over 10 years of experience in the humanitarian field. Since 2022, worked as an editor at TochkaFan. Since June 2024, editor at HMH.

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