Program “School Offline”: New Opportunities for Education During Martial Law

Starting September 1, 2025, the “School Offline” program will be implemented in Ukraine, aimed at providing quality education for children under martial law. This decision was made by the government to adapt education to the challenging living conditions the country is facing.

Purpose of the Program

The main goal of the program is to provide children with quality education while ensuring safety during offline learning. In collaboration with Palantir, the government and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine are identifying safe schools where shelters will be created to allow children to return to classrooms. The government has allocated 7.5 billion UAH for the construction of shelters in frontline regions.

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Inclusive Approach

The program is inclusive and flexible, taking into account the needs of displaced children, those who have gone abroad, and those remaining in temporarily occupied territories.

What the “School Offline” Program Includes:

  • Improving the quality of distance learning: Where safe offline learning cannot be restored, the quality of distance education will be enhanced.
  • Special program for children abroad: Children attending local schools abroad will study only subjects with a Ukrainian component in Ukrainian schools, such as Ukrainian language, literature, geography, and history. This will help avoid double burdens on students.
  • In-person learning for children in safer regions: Children who have moved to safer areas will be able to attend in-person classes at schools where they reside starting September 1, 2025.
  • Educational patronage for children from occupied territories: Students learning on an individual schedule will be assigned a teacher who will help them create a timetable and learning trajectory tailored to their needs.
Read more: Vouchers for Education: New Opportunities for Ukrainians

Quality education is a fundamental need for children, and the “School Offline” program aims to ensure it despite the challenges. All changes are being implemented without bureaucracy, focusing on the care of children and teachers.

Learn more about the “School Offline” program on the official website: School Offline.

Юлія Ревака
Юлія Ревака
Editor | Over 10 years of experience in the humanitarian field. Since 2022, worked as an editor at TochkaFan. Since June 2024, editor at HMH.

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