An experimental project for training rehabilitation specialists through a dual education system is starting

The Ministry of Health is launching an experimental educational project aimed at transforming the approach to training rehabilitation specialists.

From now on, future rehabilitation specialists will be able to spend 45 to 60% of their training time practicing their skills directly in the workplace. Students will have controlled access to working with patients and will be motivated by a salary. Healthcare facilities, in turn, will have the opportunity to influence the content of educational programs.

This is extremely important as it will ensure that graduates are ready for real work from the very first day after completing their studies.

The pilot project, which will last for 2 years, will involve four higher education institutions:

Students of these institutions specializing in “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” will be able to join the project if they have been studying full-time for at least three years, have at least 80% academic performance, and have passed selection processes at their educational institutions and medical facilities.

Each participating student will receive education through a dual system according to a curriculum agreed upon by both the university and the healthcare facility.

Information about obtaining higher education through the dual system as part of the experimental project will be included in the diploma supplement.

We have previously reported that the launch of the Unified State Register of Pets has been announced in Ukraine.

Юлія Ревака
Юлія Ревака
Editor | Over 10 years of experience in the humanitarian field. Since 2022, worked as an editor at TochkaFan. Since June 2024, editor at HMH.

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