Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)

Plays a central role in the UN’s efforts to prevent and resolve the world’s most pressing conflicts.

Official Name

Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)


  • Monitoring and Assessment of Global Political Events: DPPA tracks global political developments to identify potential crises and develop effective response measures.
  • Supporting Peace Initiatives: The Department supports the UN Secretary-General, his envoys, and UN political missions in their peace initiatives.
  • Crisis Response: DPPA can rapidly deploy mediators and other peacebuilding resources in coordination with interested countries and works closely with regional organizations.
  • Staff Support to the Security Council: The Department provides advisory and staffing support to the UN Security Council on peacekeeping and political issues.


Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Peacebuilding: Rosemary A. DiCarlo


The Department was established on January 1, 2019, following the reform of the UN’s peace and security infrastructure, which merged the former Department of Political Affairs (DPA) and the UN Office of the Support to Peacebuilding. DPA and the former Department of Peacekeeping Operations (now the Department of Peace Operations, or DPO) also combined their previously parallel regional divisions to create a unified structure for more cohesive political analysis and strategic advice in the service of conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and post-conflict peacebuilding.


Website: DPPA
Twitter: DPPA

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