How many employees have already been booked through Diia

The Ministry of Digital Transformation has presented the results of online booking through Diia for employees of critical infrastructure enterprises and those who support the needs of the defense forces. Electronic booking on the Diia portal for critical infrastructure enterprises and those supporting the defense forces has been operational for nearly a month. During this time, over 160,000 employees have been booked.

Instead of weeks of waiting for results and visiting institutions with a pile of paperwork, booking through Diia takes just 15 minutes and involves a few automatic checks. It is fast, transparent, and free from human error.

The booking system ensures that critical infrastructure enterprises will not halt operations due to staff shortages. Ukrainians will have access to essential needs despite enemy actions—stable energy supply, medical services, and drones from Ukrainian manufacturers for the military.

Here’s how booking works on the Diia portal:

  • Submission and Certification: The company manager submits lists of employees subject to military service for booking on the Diia portal and certifies the application with an electronic signature.
  • Automatic Verification: The system automatically checks whether the employee is officially employed and if the data is present in the Obereg registry.
  • Notification: Diia will send a notification to the manager about the result of the review within one day.
  • Successful Verification: If the verification is successful, the booking information will appear in the military accounting document, which can be generated on the Diia portal and in the Reserve+ app.

Currently, booking is available for critical infrastructure enterprises, but the Ministry promises to work on expanding the categories in the future.

We have previously reported that organ transplants have been resumed at Okhmatdyt.

Юлія Ревака
Юлія Ревака
Editor | Over 10 years of experience in the humanitarian field. Since 2022, worked as an editor at TochkaFan. Since June 2024, editor at HMH.


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