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Verification of disability decisions for government officials begins

At the end of October 2024, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC), chaired by President Volodymyr Zelensky, held an important meeting to discuss the situation regarding corruption-related offenses related to the process of granting disability status to government officials. During the meeting, a decision was made to develop and implement a plan of actions aimed at combating these offenses.

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In particular, in order to implement the decisions of the NSDC, the Government of Ukraine approved a plan of action aimed at fighting corruption in the process of establishing disability for public servants. A key step in this process was the establishment of an interdepartmental working group by the Ministry of Health, tasked with verifying the legitimacy of the decisions made by the Medical and Social Expert Commissions (MSEC) regarding the granting of disability status to public officials.

Interdepartmental working group: composition and purpose

The goal of the interdepartmental working group is to verify the decisions made by the Medical and Social Expert Commissions (MSEC) regarding the granting of disability to government officials. The group collaborates with experts from the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability (MoH) in Dnipro and the Research Institute for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in Vinnytsia.

The main task of the group is to assess the legitimacy of the decisions made by MSEC and to initiate the revision of decisions that may be illegal. If any grounds are found, the working group informs law enforcement agencies and other authorized bodies to take appropriate actions.

List of officials to be reviewed

As of the end of November 2024, according to information from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), and the Office of the Prosecutor General, a list of 1,695 public officials from more than 30 government agencies has been formed. These officials are being sent for an expert examination regarding the legitimacy of MSEC decisions.

Among the officials whose cases are being reviewed, the following categories can be identified:

  • 32% – employees of the Ukrainian Tax Service.
  • 26% – employees of the Prosecutor’s Office.
  • 17% – employees of the Customs Service.
  • 25% – employees of other state agencies.

This list of individuals whose cases are under review may increase as new data is received from law enforcement authorities.

Verifications and review of MSEC decisions

Over the next two months, the verification of MSEC decisions regarding the disability status of public officials will continue. If the review reveals that a decision was made without justification, it will be revised according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1317 dated 03.12.2009.

To optimize this process, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has introduced changes at the central level. Specifically, the functions of the Central Medical and Social Expert Commission of the Ministry of Health regarding medical and social expertise and the review of decisions have been transferred to the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability in Dnipro. An updated Central Medical and Social Expert Commission of the Ministry of Health has been created based on this institute.

Reform of the MSEC system: changes for 2025

In addition to the verification and review of decisions, Ukraine is beginning a reform of the medical and social expertise system. Specifically, the government has approved a draft law developed by the Ministry of Health that provides for the liquidation of MSEC in its current form by January 1, 2025. Starting next year, expert teams will be created to assess the daily functioning of people with disabilities. These teams will consist of practicing doctors, which will help improve the objectivity and effectiveness of the expertise.


Efforts aimed at combating corruption and improving the process of granting disability status to government officials are an important step in enhancing transparency and trust in state institutions. The introduction of new mechanisms for verifying the decisions of the Medical and Social Expert Commissions and the reform of the MSEC system should ensure a fairer approach to this important social procedure.

Юлія Ревака
Юлія Ревака
Editor | Over 10 years of experience in the humanitarian field. Since 2022, worked as an editor at TochkaFan. Since June 2024, editor at HMH.

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