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Government expands the participation of public institutions in the Medical Guarantee Program

As part of the ongoing efforts to create a unified medical space in Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a decree that allows leading state medical institutions, which are still undergoing reorganization, to participate in the implementation of the Medical Guarantee Program; this decision aims to enhance access to quality medical services for citizens, ensure stable funding for healthcare providers, and improve the overall efficiency of the healthcare system in the country.

Read more: Protection of civilians in Ukraine: a detailed overview of the UN report for October

Expansion of the list of public institutions involved in the Program

In accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers decree No. 1295, dated November 12, 2024, a list of public healthcare institutions has been approved, which will be involved in the execution of the Medical Guarantee Program. This list includes healthcare facilities under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and leading research institutions from the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (NAMSU). Additionally, institutions managed by the State Affairs Administration are also included.

Among the institutions included in the list are the following:

  • The National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after M.M. Amosov, NAMSU;
  • The State Institution “Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, NAMSU”;
  • The State Institution “National Scientific Center for Surgery and Transplantology named after O.O. Shalimov, NAMSU”;
  • The Clinical Hospital “Feofaniya,” State Affairs Administration.

Furthermore, the list also includes university clinics from leading medical universities, such as the National Medical University named after O.O. Bohomolets and Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky.

Changes in the registration of medical institutions

One of the key provisions of the decree is that the requirements for healthcare providers regarding registration as a legal entity (except for state or municipal institutions) will not apply to public institutions included in this list until December 31, 2025. This means that these institutions will be able to sign contracts with the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) and provide services under the Medical Guarantee Program during the transitional period until 2025.

This approach ensures that leading state medical institutions can continue providing services within the framework of the Medical Guarantee Program without waiting for their full reorganization into state non-profit enterprises. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine emphasizes that this is a temporary measure, and all institutions should eventually follow the same operational rules without further exceptions by the time reorganization is completed.

Improving healthcare system efficiency

Expanding the involvement of state medical institutions in the Medical Guarantee Program is a crucial step in improving citizens’ access to free medical care in leading healthcare facilities; at the same time, it guarantees stable funding for these institutions based on the services they provide.

The inclusion of more state institutions in the program will significantly increase the effectiveness of the healthcare system, particularly through expanding the availability and quality of medical services. Patients will be able to access free medical services, while healthcare facilities will be assured of steady financial support, which will help maintain the quality of medical services amid ongoing reforms.


The government’s decision to expand the participation of public healthcare institutions in the Medical Guarantee Program is a strategic move with significant implications for the development of Ukraine’s healthcare system. This measure will not only improve access to medical services for the population but also ensure stable funding for healthcare providers during their transitional phase of reorganization. As a result of these changes, the healthcare system is expected to become more efficient and capable of providing citizens with access to high-quality medical services.

Юлія Ревака
Юлія Ревака
Editor | Over 10 years of experience in the humanitarian field. Since 2022, worked as an editor at TochkaFan. Since June 2024, editor at HMH.

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